
Operating Models Development

Service Description

An operating model defines enablers necessary to establish an adequate cybersecurity program, such as organization structures, staffing needs, and necessary accountability, governance, and sourcing models.

Without a properly defined operating model, the organization embarks on its cybersecurity journey without a clear direction, scope, accountabilities, or the proper resources necessary to establish and run an efficient and effective security program.

An operating model can be for an entity, a group, a sector, or a certain CS capability (e.g., SOC).

Service Features

·         Design Entity Cybersecurity OMs

·         Design Group Cybersecurity OMs

·         Design Sector Cybersecurity OMs

·         Design Entity SOC OMs

·         Design Sector SOC OMs

·         Design Group SOC OMs

·         Design SDLC OMs

·         Design Cloud Cybersecurity Oms

·         Design CS Outsourcing OMs

·         Design Managed Security Service OMs

Service Benefits

·         Alignment with the business (enable rather than hinder business)

·         Establish clear authorities, accountabilities, and responsibilities

·         Ensure proper governance of the cybersecurity program

·         Ensure efficient and effective cybersecurity sourcing arrangements

·         Prove due diligence to relevant stakeholders (such as regulators and customers)

·         Comply with relevant regulatory and contractual obligations (e.g., NCA ECC, NCA CSCC)

Service Process

·         Send us your details in order to be contacted by the sales team.

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